Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

This Week in Chapel: Meet the Prefects and Autumn Jumper Day

Friday 4 October 2024


In Assembly, after singing Wonderwall (Oasis), Olivia N-B (13H), Juniper W (13N), Sophia Z (13H) and Addy T (13H) introduced themselves as the Senior Prefects responsible for Boarding, Stamp, Wellbeing and International respectively; each providing a pen picture, they set out their ideas to make the school year more fun and inclusive for students:

  • Olivia is the Boarding Prefect and studies economics, geography and media studies. In this coming year, Olivia would like to make boarding an enjoyable and comfortable place for all boarders by organising different events that will get all four boarding houses involved such as BGT (Boarders Got Talent) and Boarders Olympics. In the next couple of weeks Olivia will start making herself known to each boarding house by joining in on treat nights so that she can hear students’ suggestions.

  • Juniper is the Stamp Prefect and studies biology, psychology and history. In this coming year, Juniper would like to help Stamp students feel as happy and comfortable as possible both in the house and across the school. Olivia has loved getting to know the Stamp boarders in the evenings however she would really like to get to know the day girls a bit better and so is hoping to organise lots more events like the Big Sister Lunch for year 7s and their year 8 and year 13 buddies. Juniper would like suggestions for events and treat nights for Stamp this term and reminded everyone that she is a friendly face for anyone who needs any help or advice.

  • Sophia is the Wellbeing Prefect and studies English, history and geography. In this coming year, Sophia would like to help everyone feel comfortable and happy at school. Sophia spoke about the Wellbeing Week which will take place after half-term, and said that there will be an Animal Day with more information sent out nearer the time. Sophia drew our attention to the new suggestion box which has been placed in the Wellbeing Centre into which students are invited to put their suggestions as to how to improve the school and / or information to draw to the attention of teachers.

  • Addy is the International Prefect and studies drama, maths and economics. In this coming year, Addy plans to host many events both in boarding and during the regular school day. Addy drew our attention to the event already held for the Mid-Autumn Festival which was a huge success with thanks to Dr Boyce and Mrs Manning. Addy told us about Nigerian Independence Day which is being celebrated in the school today and tomorrow by events in Centre and Stamp. For Black History Month, Addy told us that there will be a number of activities throughout October and lots more cultural days in the future. Addy invited us to talk to her about days we wish to celebrate throughout the year.

Olivia, Juniper, Sophia and Addy told us when / where we can contact them for help or advice:

  • Olivia: During break, lunch and after school Olivia is mainly in Bellman, the Sixth Form Centre, or you can find her in Trew House on a Tuesday or Thursday evening.

  • Juniper: Juniper is a weekly boarder so is in Trew every evening; students can also find Juniper in Stamp most Thursday nights from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm for a chat and is also in the Wellbeing Centre on Friday lunchtimes. The rest of the time, Juniper can be found around the school.

  • Sophia: During Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes Sophia is in the Wellbeing centre if students have any questions or worries. Sophia encouraged everyone who has not yet been to the Wellbeing Centre to go even if it is just for a few minutes as everyone is welcome and it is a quiet and cosy space with soft cushions and fun activities like drawing, colouring and playing games. Sophia said that we all have moments where we feel overwhelmed and when we feel like no one understands what we’re going through; however, Sophia reminded students that they are never alone and are free to join her in the Wellbeing Centre or catch her around school.

  • Addy: Students can find Addy in Bellman most lunchtimes if she is not in meetings or a club; Addy is also in the Wellbeing Centre at Friday lunchtime. After School and in the evenings, Addy will typically be in her room on the top floor of Mymwood where her door is always open for questions or concerns. Addy is also Head of Mymwood so may be floating around during the evenings. As an international student herself, from Bermuda, Addy understands some of the struggles international students can go through which is why if students ever need anyone to talk to then we are to feel free to knock on her door, find her throughout the day or sit with her during meal times.

In closing, Olivia, Juniper, Sophia and Addy thanked students for listening, wished them a great day and left them with a message to come to them:

  • At any point during the academic year as they are here to represent students’ ideas, concerns or suggestions.

  • With ideas for fun activities to bring the Queenswood community together and help students to get the most out of the next year.
  • In the Sixth Form Centre, because even though it can seem a bit daunting, the Senior Prefect Team is normally lounging on the sofa during break and lunch but, of course, never during their study periods!

In closing, Reverend Kate prayed for our Senior Prefect Team:

Loving God,
We give thanks for our Senior Prefect Team. We praise you that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and, in this very important year for each of them, we give thanks that they have put themselves forward to lead on matters that are important to the school and its students.

As each balances study with their new duties, we pray that in their service to the school they will learn things of lifelong value and that at all times they will know your wisdom, comfort and peace.

Continue to bless them Lord and equip them with everything they need for this day and every day.


In our Act of Worship, we sang Here I am to Worship (Tim Hughes) which was written to reflect the love and humility of Jesus as expressed in Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2:1-8) which was read for us by Eva B (9H), Tintin AA (8H) and Alexia A (8S).

Reverend Kate told us that this letter, and the song, call believers to live with the same mindset as Jesus which is to look, not to our own interests, but to the interests of others; whether this be helping a friend who is struggling or helping someone that we do not know or, perhaps, have never met. Reverend Kate told us that just as Jesus gave everything in love, we are to live selflessly, making worship not just the words of a song in Chapel but a lifestyle choice lived out through our actions. Reverend Kate said: as John Wesley put it, we are to ‘do all the good we can.’

With this in mind, Reverend Kate introduced Teagan M (11N) to speak about Autumn Jumper Day.

Teagan introduced herself and said that she wanted to talk about a collection for Knebworth Food Bank for Harvest Festival. Teagan explained that there will be an Autumn Jumper Day on which students can wear their own jumper with their school uniform, instead of the school jumper and blazer. However, instead of bringing in £1 in exchange for this uniform concession, which we usually do, Teagan told us that instead we can bring in an item of food or toiletries for Knebworth Food Bank; this could be things such as long-life milk, tea bags, rice, pasta, tinned food, toiletries, toilet and kitchen roll.

Teagan explained that she volunteers at the Knebworth Food Bank every Saturday which means she sees how necessary this food is and how it benefits people who are really struggling. Without this food, Teagan said, people often go hungry and struggle to feed their families and so if we have any food at home or if, next time we are at the shops, please buy a can or an extra toilet roll because it would be greatly appreciated.

Teagan said that Autumn Jumper Day will take place on Thursday 17th of October 2024 but that students can bring in their gifts and put them around the altar in Chapel any time from Monday 14th October 2024. Thursday 17th October will be the last day to bring in the food and Teagan said that she hopes all students will do so in exchange for being comfortable in their own jumper for the day. Teagan said that she will be giving house points to people who bring in 5 items or more!

In closing, Teagan said that this simple act will benefit so many people. To us it might just seem like a lot of effort to bring in something but it really isn't and hopefully we can stop a lot of people from going hungry as we get closer to winter.

Teagan thanked everyone for listening and wished them a great day!

In closing, Reverend Kate prayed on our behalf:

God of provision,
Through the work of Knebworth Food Bank we take joy in our creation and seek to help those who are in need.
Help us through Autumn Jumper Day to live selflessly that we may reflect your love and humility in the world.