This Week in Chapel: Holocaust Memorial Day and The Best is Yet to Be
Thursday 30 January 2025
On Monday and Tuesday of this week Mr Sheldon gave a moving speech about Holocaust Memorial Day, which you can read in full here.
We were very grateful to Chapel Stewards Alexia E (8S) and Darrah D (8H) for ringing the Chapel bell so enthusiastically this week!
After singing I the Lord of Sea and Sky, Farah K-E (8S) and Darrah D (8H) read from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4:14-21 in which Jesus quotes from the Old Testament to announce that he is chosen by God to heal the sick, teach compassion, offer forgiveness, bring spiritual and physical healing, challenge oppressive structures and empower the marginalised. Reverend Kate told us that this is Jesus’ Mission Statement through which he tells the world who he is and what he intends to do. Reverend Kate said that Jesus’ Mission Statement could well have been entitled ‘the best is yet to be’ which was the title given to videos that year 11 students created at the ‘Into the Sixth Form’ event last week. Through their videos groups of year 11 students illustrated all that the Sixth Form at Queenswood could be for them, and for all students, when the time comes.
Reverend Kate reminded us that through his mission Jesus offers salvation for all who believe in him, so that all who believe in him may have life in all its fullness (John 10:10).
Reverend Kate said that for Christians, knowing our mission and understanding what God is calling us to do in life is just as important as it was for Jesus in the Temple that day and so she asked us if we had a Mission Statement for this day, this week or this academic year; a guide for what matters most to us and who we want to become and which defines our goals and helps us to stay focused and make good choices. As we thought about this question, Reverend Kate said that we might think we do not need a Mission Statement for many years to come and that, indeed, we would be right in thinking that a Mission Statement gains more importance as we move through our school years. However, Reverend Kate said that it is never too early for us to make the most of each day by clarifying our purpose and consciously working towards fulfilling this purpose and that a Mission Statement will help us to do this.
Reverend Kate said that in fulfilling his Mission Statement, we learn from verse 14 of our Bible reading that even Jesus is not self-sufficient - he is dependent on God for life, faith and mission - and so, as it is for Jesus, we are to remember that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to fulfil our Mission Statement; indeed, it is the Holy Spirit speaking when, in the words of Walter Burghardt, we hear God whisper to us:
“Child of God, live this day as if it were your first day, as if it were your last day, as if it were your only day.”
(Walter J. Burghardt)
As we think about our Mission Statement, Reverend Kate said that we are to remember that God has already planted within us the gifts and talents we need to make a difference in the world and so the message we might want to take away today is:
Let our Mission Statement guide, inspire and remind us that every moment matters.
As we walk forward in life, draw on the gifts and talents we already have and will develop at Queenswood.
Lean into God’s presence, knowing that the Holy Spirit will empower and sustain us in all things.
Reverend Kate concluded by saying that, as we live out our Mission Statement, she cannot promise that the future will not feel uncertain at times, but she trusts that, with God’s help, ‘the best is yet to be’ ……………for all of us.
Reverend Kate prayed:
Loving God,
Thank you for calling each of us to live with purpose and for giving us the gifts we need. Help us to seek your guidance in all that we do and to listen for your voice in our hearts. Trusting that ‘the best is yet to be’, fill us with your Spirit so that we may bring love and hope to the world around us.
In other news…..
Stamp Family Service – Friday 14 February 2025
Further to Reverend Kate’s email, please note that the Stamp Family Service will take place on Friday 14 February 2025 to which students from years 7 and 8, and their parents / guardians, are warmly invited. If you are a parent / guardian with daughters in years 7 and 8, and you would like to attend, then please complete the form here by Friday 31 January 2025.
Service of Baptism and Confirmation – Saturday 17 May 2025
Further to Reverend Kate’s email to parents / guardians, please note the deadline of Friday 31 January 2025 to complete the Confirmation Booking Form here.