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New A-Level subjects at Queenswood from September 2021

Thursday 10 December 2020

We keep the curriculum under regular review at Queenswood to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the Sixth Formers, across their very broad range of interests and ambitions.

In selecting only A-Levels, we know that all of our qualifications are of academic merit and will open doors to the top universities and employers in due course. In the latest review, alongside a survey within the pupil body, we have determined that we want to add to our current provision for pupils interested in the arts, journalism, marketing and IT, as well as complementing existing subjects in the curriculum, in order to reflect changing career paths in modern life.

We are therefore pleased to announce that, subject to demand, we will offer A-Level Media Studies, operating within the Drama Faculty, and introduce Photography as a new specification option within A-Level Art, beginning in September 2021. We have already investigated and compared the available courses specifications for both subjects and will be following the Eduqas specification for Media Studies, and the Edexcel specification for Photography (option 9PY0). We will publish further details in the updated Sixth Form booklet, ready for the Options Evening next term.