Termly Fees

The UK Government has announced that independent school fees will be subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) from January 2025. The school fees shown below are inclusive of VAT and are effective from 1st January 2025, but these are subject to change from September 2025.

  Day Fees per term 1 night Boarding 2 night Boarding 3 night Boarding Weekly Boarding (up to 5 nights) Boarding Fees per term
Year 7 £8,910 £9,246 £9,546 £9,816 £10,602 £12,636
Year 8 £9,270 £9,606 £9,906 £10,170 £10,638 £12,636
Years 9–13* £10,812 £11,701 £12,425 £13,155 £14,141 £17,244

Queenswood includes school meals in its fees. However, to ensure that the correct VAT treatment is applied, from January 2025 school meals will be shown as a separate charge but will remain mandatory for all pupils. The fees published above include all school meals. 

There are extra charges for certain co-curricular activities and optional lessons; VAT will be applicable at the rate set by the Government. 

We advise parents to take independent financial advice when considering committing to paying school fees to ensure ongoing affordability and to prevent any possible disruption to a child's education. 

 Fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors in March.

*A significant proportion of Queenswood’s fee income is spent on the development and upgrading of the school’s buildings and other assets. Each generation of pupils benefits from the contribution made by its predecessors and, in turn, contributes to the facilities to be enjoyed by future generations. In planning fee levels, it is important that we take account of the imbalance in contribution to development between families whose daughters are at Queenswood for the two years of Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) and those whose daughters spend up to seven years at the school. For this reason, and in common with practice at other similar schools, fees for girls entering Queenswood direct into the Sixth Form are subject to a surcharge. This surcharge will be £500 per term (exclusive of VAT) and is subject to annual review by the Governors.

Payment of Fees

Termly payment

Fees and extras are due in full by the first day of each term. For parental convenience, the school is able to collect this via direct debit.


The school understands that payment in full can be difficult and as such is offering a direct debit scheme whereby payments for fees and extras can be made in three equal instalments per term as set out below:

  • Autumn Term – September, October and November
  • Spring Term – January, February and March
  • Summer Term – April, May and June

Please note that this option is only available via direct debit.

Monthly Payment

Late Payment of Fees

Should fees be overdue or short then there will be either an administrative fee or interest charged, as per the Parent Contract.

Advance Payment of Fees

Fees may be paid in advance for the full year. Please write to the Bursar well in advance if you wish to make such an arrangement.


  • Sibling Discount: we are pleased to be able to offer a discount on the fees for girls who are siblings. Where two or more daughters attend the school at the same time, the fees for the younger daughter(s) will be subject to a 5% discount.
  • A 15% discount on fees is available for full-time members of His Majesty’s Regular Armed Forces and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.


A term’s notice must be given, in writing, to the Principal before the removal of any pupil. If such notice is not given, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu.

Refund Policy

Registration Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the place is taken up or not. Refunds for academic and boarding fees are covered by the Parent Contract which must be agreed and signed prior to other monies being transferred.


Is there a registration fee?

To register for a place parents must fill out the Registration Form and pay the Registration Fee. For UK and overseas one-term students, the Registration Fee is £130. For all other overseas students, the registration fee is £260. The Registration Fee is payable by bank transfer. 

Registration Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the place is taken up or not. Refunds are covered by the Parent Contract which must be agreed and signed prior to other monies being transferred. 

What is the acceptance deposit and will I get this back?

To accept the offer of a place, parents must pay an acceptance deposit of £1,000. This deposit is retained by the School until their daughter leaves the School and the final account is settled. Parents of overseas pupils are also required to pay an additional deposit of £12,000 which is treated in the same way as the acceptance deposit.

What fee remission is there for scholarships?

The majority of our scholarships are honorary and do not attract financial support; however a small number of awards with fee remission are available for candidates applying for a Music Scholarship who demonstrate excellence coupled with exceptional potential.

What fee remission is there for bursaries?

Bursaries are awards offered to girls who satisfy the School’s required entry standards and who are deemed to have the potential to make a significant contribution to the School community, but who require financial assistance with the fees. They may, in exceptional circumstances, be awarded for up to 100% of tuition (day fees). Awards will not normally cover the boarding element of the School fee or extra chargeable activities.

Are all co-curricular activities optional extras?

There are many activities for which there is no additional charge; however, there are specialist tuition fees for certain activities, including Instrumental Music, Speech & Drama, Dance, Riding, Tennis, Badminton, Fencing, Gymnastics, Trampolining and Golf. More information can be obtained by speaking with the Admissions Office ([email protected]).

My daughter is a day girl, but can she stay over?

Yes, absolutely. Over 70% of day girls experience boarding, either sleeping over on ad hoc basis (currently charged at £70 per night) or taking advantage of our flexi-boarding packages for one, two or three nights per week. The fees for these packages are listed in the table above.

Can fees be paid in an annual lump sum?

Fees may be paid in advance for the full year. Please write to the Bursar well in advance if you wish to make such an arrangement.

Can fees be paid in installments?

Payments for fees and extras can be made in full at the start of each term or can be made in three equal installments per term as set out in our General Information Booklet.

Are discounts available for siblings?

We are pleased to be able to offer a sibling discount on the fees for girls who are siblings. Where two or more daughters attend the school at the same time, the fees for the younger daughter(s) will be subject to a 5% discount.

Are there discounts for children of military personnel?

A 15% discount on fees is available for members of His Majesty’s Regular Armed Forces and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

What is the notice period and will I get my deposit back?

A term’s notice must be given, in writing, to the Principal before the removal of any pupil. If such notice is not given, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu.

Is there a charge for late payment of fees?

Interest is charged at the rate of 1.5% per month where fees are received late.

What is the cost of the door-to-door transport service?

The routes available depend on demand. Trips are charged at £12.75 per journey for addresses north of the North Circular Road and £14.00 per journey for addresses south of the North Circular Road. Pick-ups and drop-offs to Potters Bar train station are charged at £5.00 per trip. Parents are billed at the beginning of each term for the trips that are booked for the term. For more information, please contact Mrs Robyn Still, Operations Manager (Transport), on 01707 602675.