International Students

A welcoming international community

Queenswood is an international community and we welcome girls from around the world. Overseas applicants are required to go through the same assessment process as those candidates who are resident in the UK. Girls for whom English is an additional language will also be required to sit an English as an Additional Language (EAL) paper. Arrangements can be made for girls to sit their entrance papers overseas if they are unable to come to Queenswood for the assessment day itself. Entrance interviews can also be conducted online. We would, however, urge families to visit Queenswood at some point prior to entry.

Queenswood’s visa sponsorship licence

Queenswood School is licensed to sponsor migrants under the student route of the points-based system. All students who require a visa to study at Queenswood should apply under the Child Student Visa category. Click here for information from the UK Government: Further guidance for students from the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland can be found here:

Sable International – Queenswood’s visa partner

Following the acceptance of a place at Queenswood, we will put you in touch with your visa consultant from our visa partner Sable International. Queenswood is delighted to be working with Sable as our trusted partner for all child student visa applications. Sable has been providing immigration services for more than 30 years and is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. You can rest assured that all visa applications prepared for you on behalf of Queenswood will comply with UK visa authority requirements.

Once in touch with Sable’s consultant you can relax while they guide you through the whole application process for your daughter’s visa. The first step will be for a CAS to be issued (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies). A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is a unique number which confirms you have been accepted on a course of study in the UK. It is an electronic document generated using the UK Home Office's system and is essential in order to make a successful Student visa application. The CAS will be issued by Sable International on behalf of Queenswood. The charge for the visa service from Sable International is £400. You will not pay Sable International direct, instead, the charge is added to your first term’s bill. Further information about Sable International may be found here:

Guardianship – all overseas boarders must have a UK guardian

A condition of acceptance at Queenswood, is that girls coming from overseas must have an English-speaking guardian, whose residential address is in the UK. This must be an AEGIS approved guardian or a Boarding Schools Association (BSA) approved guardian. In exceptional circumstances the Principal may approve the appointment of a close relative as guardian. However, the relative must be over 25 years of age and must live in suitable accommodation with a separate bedroom for the student. This must not be in university accommodation.

Overseas pupils stay with their guardians during the holidays and those weekends when the school is closed. Guardians are invited to join in with the life of the School and will receive information and invitations to keep them fully involved with their wards’ education.