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Buying PE Kit: What should I prioritise?

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, some sports activities will be suspended for the first half of the Autumn Term. We have therefore separated the list of PE kit into three categories: essential, recommended and optional.

Items marked with an asterisk must be purchased from the school shop; other items may be purchased elsewhere.

Please note that, due to coronavirus restrictions, it is very unlikely that we will be able to lend items of kit in September, so girls will have to provide their own.


1 mid-layer*
2 white polo shirts*
1 purple skort*
1 pair purple hockey socks*
1 water bottle (should be Queenswood and MUST be named)*
1 House polo shirt* (NB you will be notified of your daughter’s House during the summer)
1 pair hockey Astro Turf shoes
1 pair hockey shin pads
1 hockey stick
1 pair white trainers for indoor use only
1 pair coloured or white trainers with coloured laces for outdoor use
2 pairs white sports ankle socks


1 pair tracksuit bottoms*
1 waterproof jacket*
1 pair black shorts or athletics shorts*
1 school kit bag*
1 tennis racket


1 black swimming costume 
1 swimming cap 
1 leotard and tights (Years 7 to 9 only)
1 swimming bag 
1 storm jacket
1 athletic pants
1 athletic shorts
1 white skort (for tennis)
1 black hat and pair of gloves with grip for cold weather
1 swimming towel 
1 pair swimming goggles 
1 white baselayer
Years 10 and 11: 1 pair plain black exercise leggings

Important information about purchasing school uniform

Girls in Queenswood’s Years 7-11 wear school uniform for lessons and official school outings and wear school sports kit for games. Girls may wear their home clothes after tea during the week and all day at weekends. Sixth Formers do not wear uniform but are required to dress in smart office wear during their working day.

You can buy your daughter’s uniform via Stevensons’ online uniform service (recommended), or at Stevensons’ Shop in St Albans (strictly by appointment only). At this time, the uniform shop on site at Queenswood is not open due to the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Buy with confidence – Stevensons’ online uniform service

Buying uniform online couldn’t be simpler with Stevensons, who will deliver your order to your home in the UK or overseas. Stevensons offer a 120 day Returns Policy meaning you can place an order early with confidence and exchange any items if your daughter has a sudden growth surge.

We strongly recommend that you make your online purchase asap. Online orders must be placed by Friday 17 July 2020 for all new starters.

Provided the items you require are in stock, UK delivery is up to 10 days, deliveries to Europe and China take at least 14 days. Delivery charges for the UK addresses will be shown when you place your order. The standard delivery charge for the EU is £30. The delivery charge for addresses outside of the UK and EU will be notified to you via at email at the time of ordering, via a Stevensons’ Customer Service representative, once the order has been picked.

To place an order click here and enter Queenswood in the dialogue box, then click REGISTER to start the process – it’s very straightforward.

School Uniform at Stevensons’ shop in St Albans

At this time, the uniform shop on site at Queenswood is not open due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. However, if you do not wish to purchase all you need on-line (details above), you can book an appointment at Stevensons’ shop in St Albans when they re-open between Monday 22nd June and Sunday 28th June 2020. Please register via their website and understand that retail restrictions and social distancing are likely to have a significant impact in the flow of customers through their shop, so a limited number of appointments are available. Stevensons will have strict  arrangements in place, and can welcome your daughter to their shop, with only one accompanying adult. Please avoid taking other children, friends or other family members with you to an appointment as sadly they will be turned away.

Because so few appointments will be available, we suggest that you consider seriously purchasing all you need on-line. Online orders must be placed by Friday 17 July 2020. To place an order click here and enter Queenswood in the dialogue box, then click REGISTER to start the process.