Chair’s Message


Welcome to the Old Queenswoodians’ website. The Old Queenswoodians’ Association was formed in 1908, making us one of the oldest alumnae bodies in the UK, something we are very proud of. The website, together with our other forms of communication such as newsletters, bulletins, our social media groups and the biennial OQA Chronicle are designed to keep you abreast of OQA activities and support services, so I hope that you will find them useful.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to get involved with the OQA (which is formed entirely of volunteers!) or have suggestions as to how the OQA can be of support to you as an Old Queenswoodian. Please see the How to Get in Touch section, for relevant contact details.

My own connections with Q go back to my grandmother, Elise McIlroy who attended Q in the early years of the 20th century, as well as my mother Joan Reavell (Mrs Wrinch) who was here during the Second World War and some years later her half-sister Sally also came to Q. I was at Q from 1972–1980 and also had two older sisters, Kaye and Mary, who attended the school. I have held various roles on the OQA Executive Committee and have also been a longstanding member of the Board of Queenswood Governors.

I’m proud to be involved with the OQA and to be its current Chair, following in a line of many individuals who have wanted to continue to be part of the alumnae community and to support other OQs in whatever ways they could.

The OQA’s remit is to support Old Queenswoodians (both girls and staff members) whether in respect of providing networking opportunities, organising reunions, keeping you in touch with developments at Q, offering financial support for charitable or study activities or even helping to promote your businesses. We also have a valuable role to play in supporting current pupils in the areas of careers and further education advice. Throughout its history, the OQA has helped to maintain the friendships formed at Q. Whatever your age or interests, our aim is to continue to be a source of support to OQs throughout the world, as well as a channel to keep up with developments at Queenswood. These are exciting times at Q and as an Old Queenswoodian I am proud to be part of the continued progress of the school.

I look forward to hearing from you, if you would like to get involved with the OQA or have any suggestions for us.

Tricia Wrinch
Chair, Old Queenswoodian's Association