Funding Opportunities from the OQA

Charitable Donations

Where possible, we aim to make small donations to support OQs who are participating in fun runs and other charitable events.

Please contact the Chair if you want to enquire about support.

The Old Queenswoodian Bursary and Scholarship Trust

The Old Queenswoodian Bursary and Scholarship Trust (OQBST) was established in 1982 through fundraising efforts by Old Queenswoodians, for the purpose of providing assistance to the daughters or grand-daughters of OQs in pursuing an education at Queenswood, should they not otherwise be able to consider this from a financial perspective.

This has been extended in the past to enable the OQA to support worthy pupils without a Queenswood connection. Also, in some circumstances, we have offered assistance to OQs to pursue further educational opportunities.

The application for the Bursary is conducted by Queenwood’s usual Scholarship and Bursary process – please see details under Admissions.