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Boarding Life – Treat Nights in Hartley

Tuesday 2 May 2017

On Wednesdays it’s Treat Night in Hartley House, and Miss Hadley (Boarding Assistant) often makes us waffles or doughnuts. Last Wednesday she gave us an opportunity to make the waffles ourselves.

Georgia, Clemie, Felicity and myself were allowed to make them for the whole House. It was fun, thrilling and enjoyable. We, of course, made a huge chaotic mess: flour on our skirts, oil all over the floor and batter on the counter! The most bizarre part was when we unintentionally put salt instead of sugar in the waffle batter…

Trying to make it taste the slightest bit appetising wasn’t easy for the four of us, however at the end of all the mayhem we got the waffles to taste the tiniest bit inviting. Lastly, we cleaned up the kitchen leaving it immaculate for further use.

Making the waffles was such a great way to end a long school day.