Category: Academic News
Musician of the Year – The Winners Are Announced
This year the competition moved online, and embraced all genres of music including DJ-ing, musical theatre, pop and classical. The contest was open to all pupils across three age categories,……
Year 7 Art Scholars Create Natural Pictures Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy
Y7 Art Scholars spent a sunny lunchtime responding to the work of environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. Using the natural materials around them they created a spiral, a recurring theme in……
Year 9 Religious Studies: Exploring Buddhism Through Games
We’d like to share some of the games created by 9S during the final weeks of last half term, as a fun way to help them revise the Buddhism topic……
This Week I Am Reading… Year 7 Students Katie, Lola and Issy
A group of Year 7 students have enjoyed reading ‘Things the Eye Can’t See’ by Penny Joelson during their Personalised Learning lessons. It is a story of Libby and how……
Winners of Inter-House Debating Competition
The annual Inter-House Debating competition was held on Friday 28 May for Years 7 to 10.Working in pairs, pupils had ten minutes to prepare their arguments proposing or opposing an……