Category: Academic News
Next Week I Am Reading… Mrs Truran’s Reading Suggestions for the Half-Term Break
With the half-term break upon us, we have swapped our weekly feature ‘This Week I Am Reading…’ for Mrs Truran’s compilation of recommended reads for each year group. We hope……
Paperback Writers: Academic Scholars’ Journal Published
From l to r: Amelia M (Year 8), Elizabeth J and Amelia E (Year 10), Abby S and Bella A (Year 11), Mrs Cameron, Meyiwa W, Clara M, Erina M,……
This Week I Am Reading… Mr Chris Fox – Head of Sixth Form
Mr Chris Fox is Head of Sixth Form at Queenswood, in addition to teaching Religious Studies. Chris has just finished reading two books, Sarum by Edward Rutherford and Kazuo Ishiguro’s……
Year 7’s Earth Day Pledges
Inspired by Earth Day 2021, which took place on 22 April, our Year 7 Kindness Ambassadors have been leading a project to consider the commitments that can be made to……
Year 9 Japanese: Shop Windows
Over the last couple of weeks, Year 9 Japanese students have been looking at ‘traditional souvenirs of Japan’.Pupils were invited to research this theme and then design a shop window……