Category: Academic News
Queenswood Purple Challenge Club – This week we are reading…
Have you heard about the Queenswood Purple Challenge Club? Every few weeks we set an activity or challenge for girls who are interested in joining Q and who are currently……
Year 9 Music: Songwriting Workshop with Actor-Musician Ollie Kaiper-Leach
BETHANY N (YEAR 9) WRITES Last Friday we were treated to an interactive songwriting workshop with musical guru Ollie Kaiper-Leach.Ollie Kaiper-Leach (c) performing as Music Captain in the award-winning smash……
Year 12 Drama: Experimenting with Greek Choral Techniques
Covid friendly*, outdoor Drama for Year 12 this week as students explored Greek Theatre. They performed on the outdoor tennis courts facing the stone seating of the Pavilion (the closest……
This Week I Am Reading… Jasmine, Lower Sixth Academic Scholar
Jasmine is an Academic Scholar in the Lower Sixth. She is studying Economics, Maths and Spanish at A-Level and is working towards her Extended Project Qualification. Here she tells us……
Junior Physics Challenge
The British Physics Olympiad is a competition which is run annually. It is a great way to challenge yourself and participation will look great on any college or university applications……