Category: Academic News
Co-curricular Clubs in Full Swing!
Girls have been making the most of their lunchtime and after-school sessions to take part in a huge array of in-person and online clubs.Among the scores of activities on offer,……
This Week I Am Reading… Jayne Truran, Queenswood Librarian
Mrs Jayne Truran joined Queenswood five years ago as Librarian. In addition to her love of reading, she enjoys knitting, visiting galleries and going to the theatre. Mrs Truran takes……
Teachers’ Day 2020
Monday 5 October is Teachers’ Day, when across the UK we honour the everyday dedication, vitality and versatility of our fabulous teaching staff.So what happens on a typical Monday morning……
This Week I Am Reading… Lucy Moore, Head of Personalised Learning
Mrs Lucy Moore joined Queenswood in September 2020 as Head of Personalised Learning. She is a highly experienced practitioner, with a background in SEN, and her academic specialism is Psychology…….
Artist of the month: Edie’s brilliantly surreal portrait
Edie P (Year 11) produced this wonderful portrait, entitled ‘Abi’.It was created as her final piece for the ‘Surfaces’ project during lockdown. She used a smartphone app to distort a……