Category: Academic News
Artist of the month: Hadiza’s joyful portrait is just astonishing
We are thrilled to share this incredible drawing, titled ‘Happy’, by Hadiza Tafida (Upper Sixth), our artist of the month. ‘In this chalk pastel drawing, I have drawn my cousin……
Year 9 Options Evening
The talks given by Mr Sheldon (Senior Deputy Head) and Dr Enright (Head of Year 10) at the Year 9 Options evening on Wednesday 15 January are available to view……
Christmas Carol Service at St Albans Abbey
The Queenswood community came together for a glorious service of lessons and carols in St Albans Abbey on Wednesday 11 December.For those who were unable to attend, or would like……
Fabulously diverse Autumn Music Concert
The Ernest Read Hall was packed to the rafters for a superb showcase of musical talent on Wednesday 27 November.The hugely diverse programme included performances of Bartok, Coldplay and Vivaldi,……
Queenswood prepares to head to the polls in Mock Election
As the country goes to the polls in a snap general election, pupils at Queenswood are getting involved, experiencing democracy first hand with their own Mock Election on Tuesday 10……