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  • Remote Learning: Summer Term 2020

    The document above outlines our Summer Term interim timetable and some of the adjustments we have made to remote learning following our first experience of distance  teaching and learning during……

    POSTED : Thursday 16 April 2020
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  • In Memoriam: Andrew Granath

    It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Andrew Granath, a highly regarded teacher of Government and Politics at Queenswood. Andrew lost his fight with Covid-19 on……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 April 2020
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  • Queenswood Staff Making PPE for Care Workers

    Like many other schools, at Queenswood we have been thinking of ways that we can help the local community in this terribly difficult time. When we heard about lack of……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 April 2020
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  • Mrs Truran’s Recommended Reads

    Our Librarian suggests some quality fiction from the shelves of the Pauline Edgar Library. Why not use the form below to suggest your own favourite read?by Annet Shaap (Years 7……

    POSTED : Friday 27 March 2020
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  • Academic Scholars: A Lockdown Playlist

    Mrs Grant-Stevenson and the Academic Scholars have been busy putting together a playlist of soothing, stirring and spiritual music – perfect for these difficult times. Mozart: Lacrimosa suggested by Mrs……

    POSTED : Friday 27 March 2020
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