Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Creativity – A Queenswood Quality

    Society needs creativity. We need people to invent things, solve problems, and make beautiful objects to enrich our experiences. We depend on the creativity of people to help us survive……

    POSTED : Tuesday 26 April 2016
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  • Queenswood Girls at Oxbridge Conference

    [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Queenswood Girls at Oxbridge Conference” on Storify</a>]……

    POSTED : Wednesday 16 March 2016
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  • What Next For Feminism?

    The girls at Queenswood take feminism and women’s rights seriously. We have had some superb talks by the girls on the topic and the issues are hotly debated in our……

    POSTED : Tuesday 8 March 2016
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  • Living Life to the Full

    The dark days of January and February can be challenging for many now that Christmas is behind us and we wait for the brighter, milder days of Spring. In the……

    POSTED : Tuesday 9 February 2016
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  • Why girls thrive in girls’ schools – Queenswood responds to the SchoolDash study

    Here at Queenswood, it has been self-evident for many years that our single-sex environment is especially conducive to academic success. In the summer of 2015, for instance, 100% of GCSE……

    POSTED : Sunday 31 January 2016
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