Category: Academic News
Impressive GCSE results for Queenswood’s Year 11 students
With 84% A*–B, Queenswood students are celebrating another very impressive set of GCSE results. There were strong results across the 24 subjects taught. In Mathematics, 50% of all candidates achieved……
A-levels 2016 – another superb set of results
Queenswood’s Sixth Formers are celebrating another superb set of A-level and Pre-U results. 73% of grades were A*–B in the 23 subjects offered. 40% of students gained at least three A*/A……
Parenting Girls
In ‘Swimming Upstream: Parenting Girls for Resilience in a Toxic Culture’ by Laura Choate (OUP 2015), she looks at current culture and the impact on girls. In particular, she identifies……
Creativity – A Queenswood Quality
Society needs creativity. We need people to invent things, solve problems, and make beautiful objects to enrich our experiences. We depend on the creativity of people to help us survive……
Queenswood Girls at Oxbridge Conference
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Queenswood Girls at Oxbridge Conference” on Storify</a>]……