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  • Tiger Parenting’ – striking the right balance

    Amy Chua first coined the phrase ‘Tiger Parent’ in her 2011 book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.  A Yale law professor with two daughters, her own upbringing influenced her parenting……

    POSTED : Saturday 30 January 2016
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  • Living and Learning – a never-ending education

    In one single week in January I was lucky enough to attend three lectures by world-class intellectuals, without leaving my place of work.   On Monday night Professor John Mullan,……

    POSTED : Friday 29 January 2016
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  • Fundamental British Values

    We have long realised that in a school community that welcomes girls from over 20 different countries, we have the opportunity to educate girls in the global community in which……

    POSTED : Friday 29 January 2016
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  • The Importance of Learning from Failure

    Queenswood was fortunate to have Matthew Syed speak to parents, girls and staff on 21 January. His talk echoed sentiments from his most recent book Black Box Thinking. In speaking……

    POSTED : Thursday 28 January 2016
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  • Top 12 Qualities of the Emotionally Resilient

    At Queenswood, we have seen how resilience has helped students embrace new challenges and meet their goals. Every bit of positive action taken is one step closer to success. Emotional……

    POSTED : Thursday 28 January 2016
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