Category: Academic News
Competitive University Applications: Mr Fox's Co-Curricular Club
CHRIS FOX, HEAD OF SIXTH FORMOn Monday 30 September, students were joined by Cath Churchill, a trainee barrister and Natural Sciences graduate of Cambridge University.Cath passed on her hints and……
Into the Sixth Form: Year 10 and 11 Explore Their Academic Futures
Year 10 and 11 pupils and their families got the chance to explore life in Queenswood’s Sixth Form on 1 October, with a series of talks in the Clarissa Farr……
Careers Talk on Apprenticeships and Recruitment
Ms Lucie King, Head of Careers and Futures, invited a parent of an OQ with apprenticeships and recruitment knowledge to come and talk to Year 12 about apprenticeships and general……
This Week I Am Reading… Why Animals Talk by Arik Kershenbaum
Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication by Arik Kershenbaum Why Animals Talk is a scientific journey through the untamed world of animal communication. From the majestic howls……
A-Level Drama: DIY Puppetry Workshop
In class, Year 12 Drama students have been exploring the work of Theatre de Complicité and researched the story of John Darwin, the canoe man who famously tried to fake……