Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Tennis and Sport Scholarships to US Universities

    Ralph Clarke from Sport USA visited Queenswood on Tuesday 23 January to talk to parents and students regarding Tennis and Sport Scholarships to US universities. He spoke about the expectations,……

    POSTED : Friday 26 January 2024
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  • This Week I Am Reading… How to Say No to Your Phone by Brad Marshall and Lindsay Hassock

    How to Say No to Your Phone by Brad Marshall and Lindsay Hassock An empowering and practical guide to help children unplug from their phones, from esteemed psychologists Brad Marshall……

    POSTED : Friday 26 January 2024
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  • Year 8 PSHCEE: Queenswood Ethos and Qualities

    In their PSHCEE lessons, Year 8 pupils have been creating posters and videos to illustrate our ethos values of kindness, honesty, accountability and integrity, and our Queenswood Qualities: resourcefulness and……

    POSTED : Friday 26 January 2024
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  • Year 10 History: Holocaust Memorial Day

    Year 10 historians are currently studying Nazi Germany, and this week spent time studying resources from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. The theme for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is……

    POSTED : Thursday 25 January 2024
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  • Year 12 Academic Mentoring Scheme

    After the successful Year 12 Community Action Day last term, many of our Year 12 students have been inspired to volunteer more of their time within our own Q community…….

    POSTED : Friday 19 January 2024
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