Category: Academic News
A Message from Mrs Vine: Satellite Library for the Bellman Sixth Form Centre
MRS VINE, HEAD OF LEARNING RESOURCESIn order to assist Sixth Form students with extended study and recommended reading, a number of books have been moved from the main library to……
Leaders’ Insights: Mrs Stokes’ Article on Online Safety for the Times Educational Supplement
0 – Ceri Stokes, Deputy Head Pastoral Mrs Stokes has written a very insightful article for the Times Educational Supplement. In it she discusses results from the TES Safeguarding Awareness……
Mrs Cameron Chairs the BSA Conference of Heads
0 – from Mrs Cameron’s opening speech, BSA Conference of Heads, May 2024 As many of you are aware, I have the privilege this year to have been appointed Chair……
This Week I Am Reading… HappyHead by Josh Silver
HappyHead by Josh Silver We are in an epidemic. An epidemic of unhappiness. Friends, here is the good news: HappyHead has the answer. When Seb is offered a place on……
British Physics Olympiad: Year 12 Physicists Receive Gold Award
IVANNA V, YEAR 12 Year 12 students Maria-Giulia B, Ivanna V, and Emily Z were awarded a gold award for their work in a group project within the BPhO (British……