Category: Academic News
This Week I Am Reading… DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee
DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee In a mysterious town hidden in our collective subconscious there’s a department store that sells dreams. Day and night, visitors both human and……
Media Live! at Disneyland Paris
EMILY H AND RILEY S, YEAR 12 On Monday 26 February, Media students attended the Media LIVE! Conference in Disneyland Paris. This conference consisted of three people within the field……
This Week I Am Reading… Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back by Isabella Tree
Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back – The New Illustrated Guide by Isabella Tree With Mother’s Day fast approaching, this stunningly beautiful book will make the perfect gift. Written by……
Strumming Success: Guitar Club Report
On Tuesday, our Newsletter Club reporters Ophelia, Eva, Leah and Maddy, visited Mr Hartley’s Guitar Club to see what was going on and to practise their videography skills. Having got……
GCSE Spanish: Junto por un mejor Internet
ANNA SUTTON, TEACHER OF SPANISH To celebrate Safer Internet Day, GCSE Spanish students explored Los riesgos y peligros de Internet (the risks and dangers of the Internet). In lessons, we……