Category: Academic News
LAMDA Speech and Drama: Tremendous Results from Latest Exam Session
The Speech and Drama Department is celebrating another remarkable set of results, with 9 Distinctions and 4 Merits awarded to the 13 pupils entered for exams last month.We would particularly……
This Week I Am Reading… Swimming on the Moon by Brian Conaghan
Swimming on the Moon by Brian Conaghan Twelve-year-old Anna’s parents are going through a rough patch, but Anna can’t let them split up. Not when it might mean living apart……
‘Reserva Duplicada’: Hilarious Spanish Farce Comes to Queenswood
MIRIAM GIMÉNEZ, TEACHER OF SPANISH ‘Carlota’ and ‘Carlos’ find an unexpected guest in their weekend airbnb – ‘Paloma’, played by Lara A (Year 10)! Excitement filled the air on Tuesday……
An Eggs-hausting Week for Year 7 Scientists: Baby Egg Project
Our Year 7 scientists are currently learning about reproduction, and this week were given a hollow egg to look after. Their task was to take good care of their new……
Exloring Chemistry: Year 7 Science Club Turns Bath Time into a Blast!
The Year 7 Science Club had great fun this week investigating chemical reactions by making glittery, fragrant bath bombs. Under the supervision of Ms Sheikh, Teacher of Science at Queenswood,……