Category: Academic News
Queenswood’s Headmistresses: A Whistlestop History
LILY S, YEAR 7Let’s start from the beginning. The first ever headmistress of Queenswood was Miss Marion Waller, and now, in Queenswood one of the four houses is named after……
Year 11 and 13 Mock Exams: A Message from Mr Sheldon
IAN SHELDON, SENIOR DEPUTY HEADWell done to Year 11 and Year 13 on completing their mock GCSE and A-Level exams this week. We thought that you demonstrated lots of resilience,……
Politics Students in Parliament
HATTY S, YEAR 12On Monday 20 January, the Year 12 Politics and Year 10 Global Perspectives students went to visit the Houses of Parliament.We entered and had our coats and……
International Day of Education: A Message from Mrs Cameron
24 January is the United Nations International Day of Education. On Friday morning, Mrs Cameron led an online assembly, during which students reflected on what school life means to them.On……
Year 8 Religious Studies: Passionate Speeches for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This week the world marked Martin Luther King Jr. Day, when we remember in particular the power of his ‘I Have A Dream Speech’ that did so much to advance……