Category: Academic News
A First Glimpse of our stunning Wellbeing Centre
DR AYA YUASA, ASSISTANT HEAD, PERSONALISED LEARNING AND WELLBEINGWe are pleased to announce the opening of the new Wellbeing Centre. This is a space for students to have a quiet……
Drop Everything and Read!
MRS KARIS FOLAN, TEACHER OF ENGLISHDrop Everything and Read, or DEAR, is a wonderful way of encouraging our students to read. This term books will form part of students’ equipment……
Experts in Teaching Girls
Studies show that girls achieve more in single-sex schools. Our teaching staff are specialists in educating girls. We know that without gender boundaries, girls can be free to take intellectual……
Queenswood Pupils Celebrate GCSE Results
Year 11 pupils and their teachers are celebrating a strong set of GCSE results this morning. Despite the tightening of grade boundaries this year, 71.1% of grades were 9-6 (equivalent……
Pupils, parents and teachers at Queenswood School are celebrating a richly deserved set of A-Level results today. Year 13 students have been rightfully rewarded for their dedication and hard work.They……