Category: Academic News
Poetry by Heart
This year a number of students in KS3 took part in the Poetry by Heart competition. This is a national competition that requires students to learn modern and classic poems……
This Week I Am Reading… The Pod by Laline Paull
Pod by Laline PaullEa has always felt like an outsider. She suffers from a type of deafness that means she cannot master the spinning rituals that unite her pod of……
This Week I Am Reading… Ithaca by Claire North
Ithaca by Claire North Seventeen years ago, King Odysseus sailed to war with Troy, taking with him every man of fighting age from the isle of Ithaca. None of them……
Year 9 English: Letters to Celebrities
Year 9 English students have been writing letters to celebrities to inspire and persuade them to visit Queenswood School.Here are some extracts from their letters:Letter to Serena Williams by Shenel……
Culture Week: Students of Spanish Celebrate La Feria de Abril
ANNA SUTTON, TEACHER OF SPANISHTo coincide with Culture Week, the Spanish Department organised Q’s very own Feria de Abril for Years 7 and 8 on Wednesday 26 April.La Feria de……