Category: Academic News
A Date For Your Diary: Dyslexia Presentation Evening
Wednesday 26 February4.45pm–6.15pm in Bellman Sixth Form CentreThis event is highly recommended for parents, guardians, students and teachers interested in discovering strategies to support young people – or themselves –……
This Week I Am Reading… The Proof of my Innocence by Jonathan Coe
The Proof of my Innocence by Jonathan Coe Post-university life doesn’t suit Phyl. Time passes slowly living back home with her parents, working a zero-hour contract serving Japanese food to……
Year 7 Religious Studies: Belonging Shields
In Religious Studies lessons, Year 7 have been exploring the concept of ‘belonging.’ To demonstrate their understanding, the girls have created ‘Belonging Shields.’ Each shield is divided into four sections:……
This Week I Am Reading… The Glass Girl by Kathleen Glasgow
The Glass Girl by Kathleen Glasgow The story of a teenage girl on the brink, and the bumpy road back to recovery. Bella is at breaking point. Everyone in her life……
‘Primera Cita’: A Side-Splitting Spanish Farce in the Clarissa Farr Theatre
MIRIAM GIMÉNEZ, HEAD OF SPANISH On Wednesday 15 January, pupils studying Spanish in Years 7 to 10 enjoyed a unique and immersive experience with a play performed entirely in Spanish…….