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  • EAL: Spanish Students’ Persuasive Speeches

    REBECCA REED, TEACHER OF EALDuring their EAL (English as an Additional Language) lessons, Year 9 students from Spain have been learning how to write persuasive speeches on a topic close……

    POSTED : Thursday 27 April 2023
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  • Physics: The Eurekas Limit Less Challenge

    LEWIS BUTLER, TEACHER OF PHYSICSThis week the Physics department have become a part of the Eurekas Limit Less Challenge. The Eurekas is an annual physics awards programme for students aged……

    POSTED : Thursday 27 April 2023
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  • A-Level Geography: Field Trip to Yorkshire

    VICTORIA LOOKER, HEAD OF GEOGRAPHYYear 12 Geographers have had a fun and educational four days in Yorkshire learning the skills needed to design and complete their independent investigations.Their studies have……

    POSTED : Thursday 27 April 2023
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  • This Week I Am Reading… Crossing the Line by Tia Fisher

    Crossing the Line by Tia Fisher Erik’s life has been falling apart ever since his dad died. Homework and being good at school stop feeling important when you’re the new……

    POSTED : Thursday 27 April 2023
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  • QPCC Easter Bonnet Competition: Our Winner and Runners Up

    We are delighted to announce that Ella W from Lyonsdown School was the winner of our Queenswood Purple Challenge Club (QPCC) Easter Bonnet Competition. Ella’s most inventive bonnet was made……

    POSTED : Friday 21 April 2023
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