Category: Academic News
Manon Ludwick OQ: Studying Animation
On Thursday 13 January, OQ and Animation student Manon Ludwick treated a group of Queenswood artists to an incredibly interesting and extremely engaging talk on Animation. Manon is currently in……
This Week I Am Reading… Pride and Prejudice: A Retelling by Laura Wood
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: A Retelling by Laura Wood (Interest Age Teen, Reading Age 9+)Recommended by our Librarians and Personalised Learning team, Barrington Stoke publications allow our dyslexic and……
Grace Cornell OQ: Forensic Scientist
We were delighted to hear from Grace Cornell OQ (2017) about her amazing academic career in the field of Forensic Science. Grace’s is one of many testimonials we will be……
Queenswood Coders Invited to Participate in Oxford University Computing Challenge
Eight Queenswood students were among the top 10% of entrants in the nationwide Bebras Computing Challenge last term. They received Gold Awards and have been invited to participate in the……
This Week I Am Reading…Art of Protest by De Nichols
Art of Protest by De Nichols Reading Age 12+De Nichols, an arts-based organiser, “artivist”, lecturer and entrepreneur began creating art in her teens in response to events such as Hurricane……