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  • Life Drawing Evening for Art Scholars, Parents and Staff

    Art Scholars enjoyed an hour of life drawing after school on Thursday. With the model dressed in cocktail dress, long gloves and feather boa, our students started with quick sketches,……

    POSTED : Friday 24 March 2023
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  • Artist of the month: Greisi B’s Wintry Landscape

    Greisi B (Year 8) was named Artist of the Month for January 2023. Her beautiful, bold winter landscape is one of several artworks currently on display in Mrs Cameron’s office…….

    POSTED : Thursday 16 March 2023
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  • Year 10 Fine Artists’ Tour of London

    Year 10 GCSE Fine Art students spent a very enjoyable day in central London on Monday 6 March.They walked for miles, sketching and photographing architectural structures, before visiting the Cézanne……

    POSTED : Thursday 9 March 2023
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  • Year 8 Artists: An Immersive Cultural Day in London

    Year 8 artists spent an enriching day in London this week, sketching architectural forms and capturing the bustling atmosphere of King’s Cross, before visiting the amazing immersive David Hockney exhibition……

    POSTED : Friday 3 March 2023
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  • Artist of the month: Charlotte’s Perfect Pancake Painting

    Art Scholar Charlotte P (Year 11) was named Artist of the Month for December 2022. Her ingenious, highly realistic image of a pancake breakfast was painted directly onto an ornate……

    POSTED : Thursday 2 March 2023
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