Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Diane Maclean OQ – Inspirations for Installations

    Art Scholars were visited by OQ and internationally renowned sculptor and environmental artist Diane Maclean on Thursday 29 September. Diane gave a talk about her work and career, and offered……

    POSTED : Friday 7 October 2022
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  • Sixth Form Art Trip to Henry Moore Exhibition

    The Year 12 & 13 A Level Art students visited the Henry Moore Studio & Gardens in Perry Green on Wednesday this week. The visit provided an opportunity for the……

    POSTED : Friday 16 September 2022
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  • Annie L’s Entrancing Art Promo Video

    Art student Annie L (Year 12) is a very talented videographer. She was contacted on social media by a final year art graduate at St Martin’s College to showcase her……

    POSTED : Friday 1 July 2022
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  • Mentmore Arts Festival: An Exhibition Featuring Work by Wendy Bird

    We were delighted to hear that our former Head of History of Art – Wendy Bird, will be exhibiting her own artwork at the Mentmore Arts Festival on Saturday 28……

    POSTED : Saturday 28 May 2022
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  • Artist of the Month: Jasmine C’s Sweet Treats

    Congratulations to Jasmine C (Year 9), who was Queenswood’s Artist of the Month for April.Her delightful triptych of delicious-looking desserts, titled ‘Sweet Treats’, incorporates drawing and collage, and is currently……

    POSTED : Thursday 12 May 2022
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