Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Queenswood Musicians Serenade the BSA Conference

    Mrs Cameron chaired the Boarding Schools Association Conference of Heads at the Hilton Hotel, Heathrow T5 earlier this week. To mark the occasion, a group of Queenswood musicians treated the delegates……

    POSTED : Friday 10 May 2024
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  • Senior Prefect Team Tea Party: Thank You from the Admissions and Marketing Team

    VANESSA LEIGH, ADMISSIONS AND MARKETING TEAM The Admissions and Marketing Team expressed their grateful thanks to the outgoing Senior Prefects this week, with an informal get-together over tea and cake.Head……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • Who Let the Dogs Out? Zennor's Birthday Pawty

    On Monday 29 April, Stamp House boarders celebrated a very special occasion for Treat Night – Zennor’s 7th Birthday! Zennor is Mrs Ludwick’s friendly flat-coated retriever who lives in Stamp,……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • Pupil Voice: Food Committee – You Said, We Did!

    Once again, the Catering Department have responded to the latest comments and suggestions from pupils about the food at breakfast, break, lunch and supper. You said:We’d like berries instead of……

    POSTED : Thursday 25 April 2024
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  • Celebrating our Growing International Community!

    We are excited to share the expansion of our international market, reflecting the diverse array of cultures and nationalities within our community. While our foundation remains rooted in the UK,……

    POSTED : Wednesday 27 March 2024
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