Category: Boarding News
Black History Month: Nigerian Independence Day Celebrations
We marked the start of Black History Month with a joyful celebration of Nigerian Independence Day.On Monday night Mymwood House was decorated in the green and white of the Nigerian……
An Action-Packed Weekend; Boarders ‘Find Their Fearless’
VIOLAINE LUDWICK, ASSISTANT HEAD BOARDING Our full boarders enjoyed a fun-filled first weekend at Queenswood! With a film night on Friday in our in-house cinema room, followed by a delicious……
Strategic Developments – A Summer of Renovations
For many members of the Queenswood community the summer holiday is a chance to unwind and relax at the end of an action-packed academic year. But for some departments, the……
The Queenswoodian Magazine 2023-24
Read the Queenswoodian Magazine online Welcome to what has turned out to be the biggest ever edition of the Queenswoodian magazine. What makes this such a jam-packed issue? For a……
Exciting News: It's Not Too Late to Board!
It’s not too late to secure a place at Queenswood for September 2024. With limited availability across all year groups (except Years 11 and 13), now is the perfect time……