Category: Chapel News
This Week in Chapel: E-Safety Week and Faith in Six Steps
ASSEMBLY On Monday and Tuesday, with the support and encouragement of Mrs Barnard and Mr Laming, Sixth Form Digital Prefect, Glory O (13W) led the Digital Warriors to bring to……
This Week in Chapel: Appreciating our Freedoms and the Importance of Respect
ASSEMBLY On Monday and Tuesday, with the support and encouragement of Miss Sluter, Tennis Scholars Arabella L (12W), Ava McM (11N) and Emily N (12H) gave a presentation in which……
This Week in Chapel: Holocaust Memorial Day and The Best is Yet to Be
ASSEMBLY On Monday and Tuesday of this week Mr Sheldon gave a moving speech about Holocaust Memorial Day, which you can read in full here. ACT OF WORSHIP We were……
Holocaust Memorial Day: Mr Sheldon’s Assembly
IAN SHELDON, SENIOR DEPUTY HEADWith thanks to Ceri Stokes, Deputy Head Pastoral and the Holocaust Memorial Day TrustGenocide is a tough subject with which to introduce a new week in……
Year 8 Religious Studies: Passionate Speeches for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This week the world marked Martin Luther King Jr. Day, when we remember in particular the power of his ‘I Have A Dream Speech’ that did so much to advance……