Category: Chapel News
Sixth Form Community Action Day 2023
MRS GEORGINA BROWN, TEACHER OF MATHEMATICSOn Monday 11th December, the Year 12s were involved in our first Community Action Day since the pandemic. It was wonderful to get this project……
This Week in Chapel: Getting Ready for Christmas
In Chapel on Monday, concluding the current series of multi-faith talks, Scarlett E (13H) delivered a fascinating and informative presentation on Paganism which was greatly appreciated by students and staff…….
This Week in Chapel: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Continuing our theme of enabling students to become confident global citizens, able to study, work and live in community with others, Dr Yuasa – Assistant Head, Personalised Learning and Wellbeing……
Christmas Carol Service at The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban
The Queenswood community of pupils, parents, staff, governors, OQs and VIPs came together for a very special service of lessons and carols in the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St……
The Queenswood and Hertfordshire Festival of Music Choral Competition 2023/24
Queenswood School, in association with the Hertfordshire Festival of Music, is delighted to announce the launch of a new choral competition for junior and preparatory schools. As part of Queenswood’s……