Category: Chapel News
This Week in Chapel: Supporting our students to become global citizens
Theme: Supporting our students to become global citizens Our Assembly and Chapel Programme commenced with Mr Sheldon stating that although we live in a competitive world, we ought to use……
Christmas Carol Service at St. Albans Abbey: RSVP Required
Further to last week’s newsletter and Mrs Stokes’ email to parents on the 10th November, we are delighted to confirm that our Carol Service will be held in St Albans……
‘Lest We Forget’ – Poems on the Theme of Remembrance by Mia and Issy
Two of Queenswood’s creative writing students took part in a national poetry competition ‘Lest We Forget’, which invites 4-18 year-olds to write a poem in any style on the theme……
Armistice Commemoration
On Friday 10 November the whole school came together on Trew Lawn to mark Armistice Day, which this year falls on Saturday. The Senior Prefects read the responsorial poem ‘What……
This Week in Chapel: The Importance of Being Restful
Theme: God rested; so as people created in the image of God, we too are to rest. In assembly, two prefects introduced themselves and set out their plans for the……