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  • A Visit from the Chair of the Methodist Conference

    Queenswood was blessed to receive a visit from Reverend Dr Gill Newton, Chair of the Methodist Conference, who was touring Methodist churches in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex. During her visit……

    POSTED : Thursday 19 October 2023
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  • Harvest 2023 – The Queenswood Community Donates to Hatfield Food Bank

    Reverend Kate Douglas and Grace Y, Charities Prefect We’re very grateful to everyone who donated to our Harvest Appeal for toiletries and groceries in aid of the Trussell Trust. Thanks……

    POSTED : Friday 13 October 2023
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  • This Week in Chapel: Black History Month

    In assembly, three Prefects introduced themselves and set out their plans for the year: Grace Y (Charity), Vivie F (Wellbeing) and Mia S (Centre House / Academic); plans include: raising……

    POSTED : Friday 13 October 2023
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  • This Week in Chapel: Celebrating and Valuing All God Creates

    In assembly, the Green Q Prefect and Eco Warrior Team introduced themselves and set out their plans to raise environmental awareness and make the school environment more sustainable. Acknowledgement was……

    POSTED : Thursday 5 October 2023
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  • This Week in Chapel: Our Community

    In assembly on Monday and Tuesday, the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girls introduced themselves and set out their plans for this academic year to include a Christmas Fayre to……

    POSTED : Friday 29 September 2023
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