Category: Chapel News
Mr Daughton’s Holocaust Memorial Day Talk
In Chapel on Monday 30 January, Mr Daughton gave a powerful reminder of the importance of memorialising the Holocaust, particularly now that there are so few survivors left to tell……
Chapel Highlights: Give Me Joy in my Heart
On Monday in Chapel, we sang the hymn, ‘Give me joy in my heart’, continuing with the theme of being a bystander/good upstander. Mrs Moore–Bridger talked about being kind to……
Chapel Highlights: Remembering Rev’d Dr Martin Luther King
This week in chapel we celebrated and gave thanks for the life and work of the Rev’d Dr Martin Luther King Jr. On the third Monday of January each year,……
Chapel Highlights: How to be a good upstander
Chapel this half term will focus on reflecting on how we behave as bystanders and how to be an upstander.On Monday, Mrs Stokes talked about using the 4 Ds when……
Queenswood Singers Perform at a Very Special City of London Christmas Carol Service
The Queenswood Singers took part in a unique Christmas carol service at St James Garlickhythe on Friday 9 December, at the invitation of Chair of Governors, Mr James de Sausmarez,……