Category: Chapel News
This Week in Chapel: We Reflect on the Conflict in the Middle East and Black History Month
In Chapel this week, while remembering all those killed, injured, taken hostage and traumatised by the Hamas attack on 7th October 2023, we also celebrated Black History Month. The connection……
This Week in Chapel: Meet the Prefects and Autumn Jumper Day
IN ASSEMBLY In Assembly, after singing Wonderwall (Oasis), Olivia N-B (13H), Juniper W (13N), Sophia Z (13H) and Addy T (13H) introduced themselves as the Senior Prefects responsible for Boarding,……
This Week in Chapel: An Address from the Head Girl and her Deputies
IN ASSEMBLY In Assembly, after singing Lean on Me (Bill Withers), Lisa O (13S), Emily H (13S) and Kat K (13H), Head Girl and Deputy Head Girls respectively, introduced themselves……
This Week in Chapel: Meet School Prefects Glory and Charlotte
IN ASSEMBLYIn assembly this week Mrs Stokes introduced herself as someone who does much more than look after the Yondr pouches! As Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Stokes told us that……
This Week in Chapel: Anything Can Happen
IN ASSEMBLY In Assembly, Reverend Kate explained that students will continue to come into Chapel twice a week, once for an Assembly and once for a more formal Act of……