Category: Chapel News
This Week in Chapel: Honesty and Accountability
Honesty In preparation for Safer Internet Day 2024, Mr Laming told us in Assembly about the success of Safer Internet Day 2023 on which 5,000+ organisations across the UK delivered……
This Week in Chapel: The Queenswood Values of Accountability and Honesty
Accountability Stevie Wonder wrote Happy Birthday to promote the campaign for Martin Luther King’s birthday to become a national holiday; such was the success of the campaign that the Q……
This Week in Chapel: A New Year and Time for a New Start
Last week, in the first Whole School Assembly of the new term, the Chaplain read a poem, ‘The Work of Christmas’ (Howard Thurman) which, the Chaplain explained, invites us to……
Sixth Form Community Action Day 2023
MRS GEORGINA BROWN, TEACHER OF MATHEMATICSOn Monday 11th December, the Year 12s were involved in our first Community Action Day since the pandemic. It was wonderful to get this project……
This Week in Chapel: Getting Ready for Christmas
In Chapel on Monday, concluding the current series of multi-faith talks, Scarlett E (13H) delivered a fascinating and informative presentation on Paganism which was greatly appreciated by students and staff…….