Category: Co-Curricular
Science Experiments Club
CHARLOTTE C AND ZOE U, YEAR 12 It is always fun to try something new. Have you always wanted to do something that you normally wouldn’t think of? Learn new……
Keeping Up Your Resolutions: Tips from the Newsletter Club!
This week in Newsletter Club, we enjoyed a round-table discussion about the progress we are making with our New Year’s resolutions. We wondered if, like us, other students may be……
It's a Wrap! Christmas Gift Ideas from the Newsletter Club
LILY S Do you want to buy a gift for a loved one, or perhaps a friend or teacher. Do you maybe want to set a price limit for this……
Newsletter Club Report: Bracelet Making and Pebble Painting for Wellbeing Week
Newsletter Club reporters Miri R, Erin C-B, Eva M and Bella G, visited the Wellbeing Week bracelet making activity on Tuesday 19 November, taking part in the session and talking……
Cake and Journals: Thank you from the Newsletter Club
The Newsletter Club and Wellbeing Prefect, Sophia Z, would like to say a big thank you to all of the staff and students who supported their Cake and Journals event……