Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • House Christmas Quiz

    We enjoyed the perfect end to the Autumn Term on Wednesday 14 December, as the entire school gathered in Queenswood Hall for the House Christmas Quiz.Teams of students and staff……

    POSTED : Friday 16 December 2022
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  • Mrs Lee’s Christmas Cakes for Herts Young Carers

    For the last forty years, Mrs Lee our Practical Cookery teacher, has been making a Christmas cake from the same delicious Mary Berry recipe. Most generously, she donates three of……

    POSTED : Thursday 15 December 2022
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  • World Challenge Expedition: Fundraising Update

    Further to our earlier report that in July 2024, twenty intrepid Queenswood students from our current Years 10 and 11, will venture on a 14 day World Challenge Expedition to……

    POSTED : Thursday 8 December 2022
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  • Christmas Hampers are Delivered to Young Carers in Herts

    Reverend Vindra, Miss Yaffe and the Christmas Hamper team would like to express their grateful thanks to everyone who so generously donated items or money to this year’s appeal. The……

    POSTED : Friday 2 December 2022
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  • Isabel Hospice Tonnes of Care: Thank you for your donations

    Thank you to everyone who brought in unwanted clothes, toys, books, DVDs and games for the Isabel Hospice Tonnes of Care collection on Thursday 1 December.Your donations will be sold……

    POSTED : Friday 2 December 2022
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