Category: Community Action News
Christmas Hampers: A Gift From Queenswood
After the wonderful generosity shown by our Queenswood families and staff last year, Reverend Vindra would once again like to ask for your help with our Christmas charitable giving.As we……
Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day 2021
It was wonderful to see our Queenswood students celebrating how we are all different and unique this week, as they joined in Anti-Bullying Week 2021 by wearing odd socks.Their mismatched,……
Weekend Fun: Make Miss Yaffe’s Bird Feeder
As the weather begins to turn colder, the birds in our gardens at home and at school are beginning to need our help. Small birds in particular use a lot……
Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day 2021
Next week is Anti-bullying Week 2021 and this year the theme of the campaign is ‘one kind word’. Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. For many……
Spectacular QPA Fireworks and Food Festival
Drone video montage created by Aemilia C (OQ)We were absolutely delighted to be able to host the legendary Queenswood Parents’ Association Fireworks and Food Festival on Sunday 7 November, in……