Category: Community Action News
A Positivity Pebble from Lara P-L: Maintaining a Healthy Body Image
As Wellbeing Prefect, Lara P-L supports our pupils by being a friendly and approachable mentor who the girls can talk to about any problems they may encounter on their Queenswood……
A New Role at Queenswood: Wellbeing Prefect
Pupil wellbeing is supported at Queenswood in a multitude of ways. Mrs Mackay, Deputy Head of Pupils, oversees the School’s safeguarding protocols and the pastoral care of all our girls. A……
School Council: A Voice for Everyone
On Friday this week, the Queenswood School Council met for their inaugural meeting of the academic year, and for the first time ever at Q, as a virtual assembly. Overseen……
Harvest: Queenswood supporting two local charities
To mark Harvest season we are supporting two local charities.Years 7 to 11 are collecting for Hatfield Food Bank, while staff and Sixth Formers will be donating to Azalea, who……
Introducing the Senior Prefect Team
The new team of Senior Prefects are keen to introduce themselves to the Queenswood community. Scroll down to read their biographies, which were originally posted to the school Instagram account. View……