Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Weekend Fun: Go Birdie Watching and Play Crazy Golf!

    If you like the idea of some outdoor fun with friends or family this weekend, why not play a round or two of crazy golf? This mini version of the……

    POSTED : Tuesday 4 May 2021
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  • Weekend Fun: Brilliant Bike Rides!

    With the days getting longer and warmer, now may be the perfect time to plan a weekend bike ride. Cycling will not only improve your health but it’s beneficial for……

    POSTED : Thursday 29 April 2021
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  • Weekend Fun: Picnic in the Park

    Now that we can meet in groups of up to six outside and the sun is shining, why not enjoy a picnic this weekend with friends or family. Here are……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 April 2021
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  • The Beautiful Birds of Queenswood – Spring Has Sprung

    Following on from her previous articles, Miss Langdon , Visa Co-ordinator at Queenswood,  keeps us abreast of what the beautiful birds of Q are up to now that spring has……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 April 2021
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  • Weekend Fun: Make the Queen’s Easter Biscuits

    For some Easter themed fun this weekend, why not have a go at making these beautiful Spiced Easter Biscuits.  The recipe was shared by the Royal pastry chefs this week……

    POSTED : Friday 26 March 2021
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