Category: Drama and Dance News
Date for your Diary: Speech and Drama Performance Hour
Our Speech and Drama students consistently gain outstanding results for their acting and public speaking, and next week they will be showcasing some of their best work for parents, staff……
GCSE Drama: The It
This week Year 11 GCSE Drama students staged a brilliantly creative performance of The It, a chilling but very funny state-of-the-nation play about teenage angst. Grace Freemantle is a teenage……
ISTD Cecchetti Ballet: Exceptional Results Across the Board!
LISA CHRISTIAN, TEACHER OF BALLET ISTD Cecchetti ballet examinations took place on Sunday 8 December with Queenswood girls looking immaculate and well drilled, as always!Mrs McMeechan, the examiner had a……
LAMDA Speech and Drama Results: They’ve Done it Again!
Ms Mottram, Mrs Butlin, Mrs Finn and Mrs Goodman are thrilled with the latest LAMDA results. There were 16 Distinctions and four Merits awarded to the 20 pupils who took……
House Dance 2024: The Results Are In!
Last half term, pupils from Years 7 to 13 came together to showcase their choreographic skills in the Clarissa Farr Theatre, for our annual House Dance Competition. The performances were……