Category: Drama and Dance News
Year 12 Drama: Wagatha!
Year 12 Drama students performed their devised docu-drama about the ‘Wagatha Christie’ phenomenon in the Clarissa Farr Theatre on Monday 20 May. By turns hilarious and thought-provoking, the drama explored……
Junior Drama Scholars and Award Holders Present a Musical Theatre Extravaganza
Drama Scholars and Principal’s Award Holders in Years 7–10, along with members of The Quire, staged a gloriously entertaining evening of sketches, speeches and songs from musical theatre classics on……
Weekend Fun: Be Kind to Yourselves this Weekend
We understand that if you are in Years 11 and 13, you may be feeling under pressure as you head towards your GCSE and A Level examinations. As you ‘dig……
LAMDA Speech and Drama: Distinctions Galore
Mrs Butlin, Mrs Finn and Mrs Goodman are celebrating another outstanding set of LAMDA results. There were 26 Distinctions and three Merits awarded to the 29 pupils who took exams……
Abigail's Party: A Hilariously Awkward Evening With the Hostess From Hell
The Senior Drama Scholars and Principal’s Award Holders gave two hilarious performances of Mike Leigh’s classic 1970s comedy, Abigail’s Party, on Thursday 2 May. It was a masterclass in creating……