Category: Drama and Dance News
Scholarship Applications are Open!
MR IAN SHELDON, SENIOR DEPUTY HEAD Applications are invited from pupils who would like to be considered for scholarships in Academic (13+ and 16+), Art, Dance, Drama, Hockey, Music, Sports……
‘Dance in a Day’ – GCSE Students work with International Choreographer
MISS HALEY SADLER, HEAD OF DANCE Mel Simpson, Dance Artist, choreographer and education specialist visited the school to work with the GCSE Dance students on Thursday 21 September. They……
Spotlight on Senior Prefects: Introducing Lizzie J and Sophie A, Your Deputy Head Girls
Interview with Lizzie J and Sophie A, Deputy Head Girls AS TOLD TO SIENNA M AND SCARLETT E (YEAR 13) What do you intend to do this academic year? LizzieAs……
Cecchetti Ballet Associates Scheme: Success for Year 9 Student Estella B
Further to our article last week, we send our congratulations to Principal’s Award Holder for Dance, Estella B (9N), who also successfully auditioned for Cecchetti Associates recently and is now……
Spotlight on Senior Prefects: Introducing Willow H, Your New Head Girl
AS TOLD TO SIENNA M, YEAR 13 What do you intend to do this academic year? I would like to increase communication between students and teachers – especially since the……