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  • Q Former and Current Staff Reunion

    Former staff member Cheryl Boughton co-ordinated a former and current staff get together in, London on the 8th August at Côte in St Martin’s Lane.  Cheryl flew in from the……

    POSTED : Wednesday 8 August 2018
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  • Worldwide Reunions with Liz Needham

    Having retired from Queenswood and for once, putting golf to one side, former staff member Liz Needham decided to undertake her big OE ‘overseas experience’! Although it was a personal……

    POSTED : Wednesday 4 July 2018
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  • Toronto Reunion Summer 2018

    Toronto OQs get together twice a year, with the first taking place this year on 6th June at Barnteiners Restaurant in downtown Toronto.  Well done on all your organisation, it’s……

    POSTED : Wednesday 4 July 2018
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  • OQ Golf Society

    In June the OQ Golf team took part in the annual Silver Tassie (or the Tassie as it has now become) at the prestigious venue of the Royal Berkshire, home……

    POSTED : Tuesday 3 July 2018
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  • North West Reunion 2018

    Hilary Dawson (Mrs Watson) very kindly stepped in and offered to take over as Branch Secretary once again, having previously undertaken the role for 15 years!  Welcome back Hilary! Hilary……

    POSTED : Monday 2 July 2018
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