Category: Music News
OQ Eleanor Grant, Joint Winner of New Elizabethan Award, in Concert at Wigmore Hall
OQ Eleanor Grant (double bass and voice) performs in a duo with fellow Royal Academy of Music alumnus Gus McQuade (guitar). They were recently joint winners of the New Elizabethan……
This Week I Am Reading… Influential by Amara Sage
Influential by Amara Sage Almond Brown has no friends in real life . . . but 3.5 million followers online. A heart-felt, whip-smart deep dive into what it would really……
Queenswood Singers Perform at a Very Special City of London Christmas Carol Service
The Queenswood Singers took part in a unique Christmas carol service at St James Garlickhythe on Friday 9 December, at the invitation of Chair of Governors, Mr James de Sausmarez,……
Christmas in Chapel: Service of Lessons and Carols
Our first in-person Christmas Carol Service for three years took place on Tuesday 12 December. The previous day’s heavy snowfall had affected our plans, and so we combined our Lower……
Harpist OQ Harriet Adie Releases Stunning Debut Solo Album
We are hugely excited to report that acclaimed harpist and composer OQ Harriet Adie, who left Queenswood in 1998, has just released her debut solo album Christmastide. This stunning collection……